
2021-07-02 07:01:35 字數 3204 閱讀 8413

1.create view test6_01 as select sid,name,dname from pub.student where age<20 and dname='物理學院'order by sid

select * from test6_01

2.create view test6_02(sid,name,sum_score)

as (select pub.student.sid,name,sum(score)

from pub.student,pub.student_course

where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid

and dname='軟體學院'

and class=2009

group by pub.student.sid,name)

select * from test6_02

3.create view test6_03 as(

select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name,score

from pub.student,pub.student_course,pub.course

where pub.student.sid=pub.student_course.sid

and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid

and class=2010

and dname='電腦科學與技術學院'

and pub.course.name='作業系統')

select * fromm test6_03

4.create view test6_04 as

(select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name

from pub.student_course,pub.student,pub.course

where pub.student_course.sid=pub.student.sid

and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid

and pub.course.name ='資料庫系統'

and score>90)

select * from test6_04

5.create view test6_05 as

(select pub.student.sid,pub.student_course.cid,pub.course.name,score

from pub.student,pub.student_course,pub.course

where pub.student_course.sid=pub.student.sid

and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid

and pub.student.name='李龍'

)6.create view test6_06 as(

select pub.student.sid,name

from pub.student

where not exists(

(select cid

from pub.course)


select cid

from pub.student_course

where pub.student_course.sid=pub.student.sid)))

7.create view test6_07 as

(select sid,name

from pub.student

where sid in(

select sid

from pub.student_course

where score>=60)

and not exists((

select cid

from pub.course)

minus(select cid

from pub.student_course)))

create view test6_07 as

(select sid,name

from test6_06 where sid in

(select distinct sid

from pub.student_course

where sid in(select sid

from test6_06) and score>60))//不知道前兩個尤其是第二個為什麼不行,第二個有15行資料錯誤,下面的才是正確答案

create view test6_07 as

select * from test6_06 where sid not in (

select distinct sid from pub.student_course where sid in(select sid from test6_06) and score<60)

8.create view test6_08 as

(select cid,name

from pub.course

where fcid in(

select cid

from pub.course

where credit=2))

9.create view test6_09(sid,name,sum_credit)as

(select pub.student.sid,pub.student.name,sum(credit)

from pub.student,pub.student_course,pub.course

where pub.student_course.sid=pub.student.sid

and pub.student_course.cid=pub.course.cid

and class=2010

and dname='化學與化工學院'

and score>=60

group by pub.student.sid,pub.student.name)

10.create view test6_10 as

(select cid,name

from pub.course

where fcid in(select cid

from pub.course

where fcid is not null))


宣告 所有sql語句均在實驗平台驗證通過,實驗細節可能隨時間推移老師會進行修改。在此僅提供解答思路,畢竟我的方法肯定不是最優,而且實驗平台有查重功能,不要一昧的複製哦!1.刪除表中的學號不全是數字的那些錯誤資料,學號應該是數字組成,不能夠包含字母空格等非數字字元。create table test3...


宣告 所有sql語句均在實驗平台驗證通過,實驗細節可能隨時間推移老師會進行修改。在此僅提供解答思路,畢竟我的方法肯定不是最優,而且實驗平台有查重功能,不要一昧的複製哦!建立表test9 01,表的結構同pub.student 11 1一樣。為test9 01的sid建立唯一不重複索引。將pub使用者...


提交 commit 和回滾 rollback 實體授權 對比有無索引情況下資料檢索速度,學會如何能夠使用索引,掌握如何查詢是否使用索引了。啟動兩個不同瀏覽器,主賬號 userid 在 firefox 中登入 備用賬號 userbid 在另外乙個瀏覽器登入,或者主賬號在主平台登入,備用賬號在備平台登入...