Wildcard Matching 萬用字元匹配

2021-07-02 17:47:29 字數 1056 閱讀 6845


implement wildcard pattern matching with support for'?'and'*'.

'?' matches any single character.

'*' matches any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence).

the matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

the function prototype should be:

bool ismatch(const char *s, const char *p)

some examples:

ismatch("aa","a") → false

ismatch("aa","aa") → true

ismatch("aaa","aa") → false

ismatch("aa", "*") → true

ismatch("aa", "a*") → true

ismatch("ab", "?*") → true

ismatch("aab", "c*a*b") → false

用過unix like系統或者寫過sql語言的人應該對這個不會陌生,用起來非常方便,但是真要來寫,還是比較考驗智商的。。。


class solution 

else if(p[0] == '*')

if(*p == '*')

if(star != nullptr)

return false; //if not match return false

}while(*p == '*') p++; //skip continue star

return *p == '\0'; // successful match


Wildcard Matching 萬用字元

implement wildcard pattern matching with support for and matches any single character.matches any sequence of characters including the empty sequence ...

Wildcard Matching 外卡匹配

implement wildcard pattern matching with support for and matches any single character.matches any sequence of characters including the empty sequence ...

bzoj3507 Cqoi2014 萬用字元匹配

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