
2021-07-04 20:44:10 字數 880 閱讀 6729

1. 對於fread或fwrite檢視man手冊,其中要注意返回值。

2. 上述兩個函式第二個引數如果是1,那麼返回值即實際傳輸長度,如果返回值是0,一般表示檔案傳完;如果返回值等於需要傳輸長度,那麼正常;如果返回值小於指定傳輸長度,那麼有可能是最後一次傳輸,因為到達檔案尾,也有可能是傳輸錯誤;


3. 示例原始碼如下:




/*function : read data from the 2page.pdf,and write the date to write.pdf

*/char * readfilename = "./2page.pdf";

char * writefilename = "./write.pdf";

#define buffer_size 2048

void main()

file *writefp = fopen(writefilename, "w");

if(null == writefp) //if failed,fread and fwrite can't go on  /*

fread or fwrite does not distinguish between end-of-file and error, and callers must use feof(3)

and ferror(3) to determine which occurred.

*/readlengh  = 1024;




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