兩個超大表做關聯更新的優化 之 批量更新

2021-07-05 07:33:47 字數 3166 閱讀 8419


2010-12-17 13:43:01

分類: oracle



update channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) a

set unuser_flag = (select unuser_flag

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id)

where exists (select 1

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id);

update channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) a

set bill_user_flag = (select bill_user_flag

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id)

where exists (select 1

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id);

這兩條語句在執行第一條的時候執行了6個小時沒出結果,就被殺掉了,光回滾就用了2個小時,當時開發人員急於要結果,於是我用以前看到的一篇帖子中提到的方法(來解決,其實還是bulk connect,第一條語句跑了899秒,第二條跑了708秒。經過開發人員的邏輯驗證,結果是正確的,但我始終對業務邏輯產生懷疑,不過這是後話,畢竟自己對應用不了解,好吧,看下改後的語句。



maxrows number default 5000;

row_id_table dbms_sql.urowid_table;

p_id_table dbms_sql.number_table;

cursor acnt_first_cur is

select /* use_hash(a,b) parallel(a 4) parallel(b 4) */

b.unuser_flag, b.rowid row_id

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b,

channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) a

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id

and exists (select /*+use_hash(c,d) parallel(c 4) parallel(d 4)*/

1from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) c,

channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) d

where c.serv_id = d.serv_id)

order by b.rowid;


open acnt_first_cur;


exit when acnt_first_cur%notfound;

fetch acnt_first_cur bulk collect

into p_id_table, row_id_table limit maxrows;

forall i in 1 .. row_id_table.count

update channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011)

set unuser_flag = p_id_table(i)

where rowid = row_id_table(i);


end loop;




maxrows number default 5000;

row_id_table dbms_sql.urowid_table;

p_id_table dbms_sql.number_table;

cursor acnt_first_cur is

select /* use_hash(a,b) parallel(a 4) parallel(b 4) */

b.bill_user_flag, b.rowid row_id

from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) b,

channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) a

where a.serv_id = b.serv_id

and exists (select /*+use_hash(c,d) parallel(c 4) parallel(d 4)*/

1from channel_chengdu.o_user partition(p201011) c,

channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011) d

where c.serv_id = d.serv_id)

order by b.rowid;


open acnt_first_cur;


exit when acnt_first_cur%notfound;

fetch acnt_first_cur bulk collect

into p_id_table, row_id_table limit maxrows;

forall i in 1 .. row_id_table.count

update channel_chengdu.o_user_cons partition(p201011)

set bill_user_flag = p_id_table(i)

where rowid = row_id_table(i);


end loop;



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