MySQL 使用儲存過程實現留存率

2021-07-05 08:15:04 字數 3191 閱讀 6745

delimiter //

use `resourcemanage-dev`//

drop procedure if exists `stat_remain_player`//

create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `stat_remain_player`()


-- 今天的日期

declare today date default curdate();

declare yesterday date default date_sub(today, interval 1 day);

declare days_ago_2 date default date_sub(today, interval 2 day);

declare days_ago_3 date default date_sub(today, interval 3 day);

declare days_ago_4 date default date_sub(today, interval 4 day);

declare days_ago_6 date default date_sub(today, interval 6 day);

declare days_ago_7 date default date_sub(today, interval 7 day);

declare days_ago_13 date default date_sub(today, interval 13 day);

declare days_ago_14 date default date_sub(today, interval 14 day);

declare days_ago_29 date default date_sub(today, interval 29 day);

declare days_ago_30 date default date_sub(today, interval 30 day);

-- 統計昨天dru(就是昨天一天的註冊人數)

insert into stat_remain(dru, stat_time, add_time) select count(uid) , date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day), now() from t_ar_role where latelylogin>'2000-01-01' and date between date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) and curdate();

-- 修改前天的2日留存

update stat_remain set second_day = (

(select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_2 and yesterday) and (latelylogin between yesterday and today))

/ (select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_2 and yesterday))

) where stat_time = days_ago_2;

-- 修改大前天的3日留存

update stat_remain set third_day = (


(select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_3 and days_ago_2) and (latelylogin between yesterday and today))

/ (select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_3 and days_ago_2))

)) where stat_time = days_ago_3;

-- 7日留存

update stat_remain set seventh_day = (


(select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_7 and days_ago_6) and (latelylogin between yesterday and today))

/ (select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_7 and days_ago_6))

)) where stat_time = days_ago_7;

-- 14日留存

update stat_remain set fourteen_day = (


(select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_14 and days_ago_13) and (latelylogin between yesterday and today))

/ (select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_14 and days_ago_13))

)) where stat_time = days_ago_14;

-- 30日留存

update stat_remain set thirtieth_day = (


(select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_30 and days_ago_29) and (latelylogin between yesterday and today))

/ (select count(distinct uid) from t_ar_role where (date between days_ago_30 and days_ago_29))

)) where stat_time = days_ago_30;


delimiter ;


call stat_remain_player();



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