
2021-07-05 16:49:00 字數 1867 閱讀 4473


#define pcre_static // 靜態庫編譯選項 



#include "pcre.h"



using namespace std;

#define oveccount 30 /* should be a multiple of 3 */ 

#define ebuflen 128 

#define buflen 1024 

int main()

char* data = null;

int filesize;

int result;

fseek(fp, 0, seek_end);

filesize = ftell(fp);

fseek(fp, 0, seek_set);

data = new char[filesize+1];


if (data == null)

result = fread(data, 1, filesize, fp);

if (result != filesize)


systemtime time;


cout << time.wyear << ".";

cout << time.wmonth << ".";

cout << time.wday << " ";

cout << time.whour << ":";

cout << time.wminute << ":";

cout << time.wsecond << ":";

cout << time.wmilliseconds << endl;

re = pcre_compile(pattern,       // pattern, 輸入引數,將要被編譯的字串形式的正規表示式 

0,            // options, 輸入引數,用來指定編譯時的一些選項 

&error,       // errptr, 輸出引數,用來輸出錯誤資訊 

&erroffset,   // erroffset, 輸出引數,pattern中出錯位置的偏移量 

null);        // tableptr, 輸入引數,用來指定字元表,一般情況用null 

// 返回值:被編譯好的正規表示式的pcre內部表示結構 

if (re == null) do}

while (rc>0);

systemtime stime;


cout << stime.wyear << ".";

cout << stime.wmonth << ".";

cout << stime.wday << " ";

cout << stime.whour << ":";

cout << stime.wminute << ":";

cout << stime.wsecond << ":";

cout << stime.wmilliseconds << endl;

cout << "找到" << i-1 << "次敏感資訊";

pcre_free(re);// 編譯正規表示式re 釋放記憶體 

delete data;



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