mysql 指令碼暫存

2021-07-07 07:54:51 字數 818 閱讀 7256


use information_schema;

select concat('//',column_comment),concat('public string',column_name) , data_type,column_comment ,column_default from information_schema.columns where table_schema ='資料庫名'  and table_name = '表名'

order by ordinal_position ;


use information_schema;

select concat('/** ',column_comment,' */'),concat('public string ',column_name,'="";') from information_schema.columns where table_schema ='資料庫名'  and table_name = '表名'

order by ordinal_position ;;


use information_schema;

select concat('sku.',column_name,' = rssku.getstring("',column_name,'");') from information_schema.columns where table_schema ='資料庫名'  and table_name = '表名'

order by ordinal_position ;;

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