
2021-07-11 03:50:37 字數 1296 閱讀 4162

select 主表名=object_name(b.rkeyid)


,主鍵列名=(select name from syscolumns where colid=b.rkey and id=b.rkeyid)




,外來鍵列名=(select name from syscolumns where colid=b.fkey and id=b.fkeyid)



from sysobjects a

join sysforeignkeys b on a.id=b.constid

join sysobjects c on a.parent_obj=c.id

where a.xtype='f' and c.xtype='u'


select 主鍵列id=b.rkey 

,主鍵列名=(select name from syscolumns where colid=b.rkey and id=b.rkeyid)




,外來鍵列名=(select name from syscolumns where colid=b.fkey and id=b.fkeyid)



from sysobjects a

join sysforeignkeys b on a.id=b.constid

join sysobjects c on a.parent_obj=c.id

where a.xtype='f' and c.xtype='u'

and object_name(b.rkeyid)='tb'


查主鍵:sp_pkeys '表名'

查外健:sp_fkeys '表名'

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