
2021-07-12 05:47:08 字數 3483 閱讀 9243




date  選項  字串


1. -s     設定系統的時間及日期

[root@nn ~]# date -s "2016-05-31 15:06"

2023年 05月 31日 星期二 15:06:00 cst

2.-d    顯示字串裡的時間及日期,not now

[root@nn ~]# date -d "2016-5-30"

2023年 05月 30日 星期一 00:00:00 cst

[root@nn ~]# date -d "2016-5-30 12:03"

2023年 05月 30日 星期一 12:03:00 cst

3. -u   顯示或設定世界標準時間            print or set coordinated universal time

[root@nn zhangna]# date -u 

2023年 05月 31日 星期二 07:15:00 utc

[root@nn zhangna]# date

2023年 05月 31日 星期二 15:15:03 cst



$ date '+this date now is =>%x ,time is now =>%x ,thank you !'

this date now is =>11/12/99 ,time is now =>17:53:01,thank you !


# date

fri nov 26 15:20:18 cst 1999


# date -s 14:36:00

fri nov 26 14:15:00 cst 1999


# date -s 991128

sun nov 28 00:00:00 cst 1999


# date -s "2008-08-08 12:00:00"

修改完後,記得執行clock -w,把系統時間寫入cmos


%%     a literal %

%a locale』s abbreviated weekday name (e.g., sun)

%a locale』s full weekday name (e.g., sunday)

%b locale』s abbreviated month name (e.g., jan)

%b locale』s full month name (e.g., january)

%c locale』s date and time (e.g., thu mar 3 23:05:25 2005)

%c century; like %y, except omit last two digits (e.g., 20)

%d day of month (e.g, 01)

%d date; same as %m/%d/%y

%e day of month, space padded; same as %_d

%f full date; same as %y-%m-%d

%g last two digits of year of iso week number (see %g)

%g year of iso week number (see %v); normally useful only with %v

%h same as %b

%h hour (00..23)

%i hour (01..12)

%j day of year (001..366)

%k hour ( 0..23)

%l hour ( 1..12)       %m     month (01..12)

%m     minute (00..59)

%n     a newline

%n     nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)

%p     locale』s equivalent of either am or pm; blank if not known

%p     like %p, but lower case

%r     locale』s 12-hour clock time (e.g., 11:11:04 pm)

%r     24-hour hour and minute; same as %h:%m

%s     seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 utc

%s     second (00..60)

%t     a tab

%t     time; same as %h:%m:%s

%u     day of week (1..7); 1 is monday

%u     week number of year, with sunday as first day of week (00..53)

%v     iso week number, with monday as first day of week (01..53)

%w     day of week (0..6); 0 is sunday

%w     week number of year, with monday as first day of week (00..53)

%x     locale』s date representation (e.g., 12/31/99)

%x     locale』s time representation (e.g., 23:13:48)

%y     last two digits of year (00..99)

%y     year

%z     +hhmm numeric timezone (e.g., -0400)

%:z    +hh:mm numeric timezone (e.g., -04:00)

%::z   +hh:mm:ss numeric time zone (e.g., -04:00:00)

%:::z  numeric  time  zone  with  :  to necessary precision (e.g., -04,


%z     alphabetic time zone abbreviation (e.g., edt)

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