yii2框架 yii2的asset資源包 十一

2021-07-13 09:39:21 字數 918 閱讀 6073



/** * @link

* @license license/

*/use yii\web\assetbundle;

/** * @author qiang xue * @since 2.0



public static function addcss($view, $cssfile)


public static function addjsarr($view,$arr = null)

foreach ($arr as $jsfile)


public static function addcssarr($view,$arr = null)

foreach ($arr as $cssfile)




<?php $this->beginblock('test') ?>

$(function($) );


<?php $this->endblock() ?>

<?php $this->registerjs($this->blocks['test'], \yii\web\view::pos_end); ?>









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