C 簡易線性表實現。

2021-07-13 19:45:28 字數 2275 閱讀 7447



using system;

namespace dsl

/// /// gets the index of the element by.


/// the element by index.

/// index.

t getelementbyindex(int index);

/// /// gets the index by element.


/// the index by element.

/// data.

int getindexbyelement(t data);

/// /// gets the length.


/// the length.

int getlength();



using system;

namespace dsl

/// /// initializes a new instance of the class.

/// de****t size is ten.


public seqlist():this(10){}

void renewarray (t data)

public void add(t data)else

} public void delete(t data)

public void delete(int index) else

datas [count - 1] = default(t);


}} else

} public void clear()else

console.writeline ("clear ok");

} public void insert(t data,int index)

datas [index] = data;


} else

} public bool isempty()

public t this [int index]

} public t getelementbyindex(int index) else

} public int getindexbyelement(t data)

}return index;

} public int getlength()



using system;

namespace dsl

console.readkey ();

testa.insert ("3", 0);

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

testa.add ("4");

testa.add ("5");

testa.add ("6");

testa.add ("7");

testa.add ("8");

testa.add ("9");

testa.add ("10");

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

testa.add ("11");

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

testa.delete (0);

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

testa.clear ();

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

testa.add ("wwww");

for (int i = 0; i < testa.getlength(); i++)

console.readkey ();

} }}

C 實現順序表(線性表)


C 線性表的實現

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