oracle 金額大寫轉換

2021-07-14 08:32:22 字數 2474 閱讀 1571

function convert_money(input_number number) return varchar2 is

i pls_integer;

snum varchar2(20) := ltrim(replace(to_char(abs(input_number), '9999999999999990.99'), '.'));

len pls_integer := length(snum);

sch varchar2(30) := '零壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖';

sjin varchar2(60) := '分角圓拾佰仟萬拾佰仟億拾佰仟萬拾佰仟';

srmb varchar2(200) := '';

num pls_integer;

s_num pls_integer := 0; --'0'起始位置

e_num pls_integer := 0; --'0'結束位置


if input_number is null then

return null;

end if;

for i in 1 .. len loop

num := to_number(substr(snum, i, 1));

if num <> 0 then


if s_num = 0 then

srmb := srmb || substr(sch, num + 1, 1) || substr(sjin, len - i + 1, 1); --前面字元非'0', 正常聯接...


srmb := srmb || --否則:


when s_num = e_num then --前面只有乙個'0'

case s_num

when 7 then

'萬' --只處理進製

when 11 then

'億'when 15 then


when e_num < 12 then --否則(多個'0'處理)


when s_num < 7 then

'' --萬以內..

when s_num < 11 then


when e_num < 8 and s_num < 10 then


when s_num < 15 then


when e_num < 12 then




endwhen e_num < 16 and s_num > 14 then

'萬'end || case

when s_num > 3 and e_num < 3 then


when e_num = 3 then

'圓'when e_num not in (7, 11, 15) or s_num - e_num > 2 then


srmb := srmb || substr(sch, num + 1, 1) || substr(sjin, len - i + 1, 1);

end if;

s_num := 0;

e_num := 0;


if s_num = 0 then

--當s_num = 0時'0'串起始,

s_num := len - i + 1; --記錄開始

e_num := s_num; --各結整位置。


e_num := len - i + 1; --否則新的結整位置。

end if;

end if;

end loop;

if s_num <> 0 then


srmb := srmb || case

when s_num = len then

'零圓整' --全'0'串,加...

when s_num = 1 or s_num = 2 then

'整' --分(1),角(2)後加...

when s_num < 7 or s_num = 10 then


when s_num < 11 then


when s_num < 15 then






srmb := srmb || '整'; --不以'0'結尾,加...

end if;

if input_number < 0 then

srmb := '負' || srmb;

end if;

return srmb;



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