
2021-07-14 20:59:30 字數 4564 閱讀 7754







create tablespace "tbs_kfmh_dat01" datafile 

'/+dg_data/kfmh_dat01' size 204800000

logging online permanent blocksize 8192

extent management local autoallocate default 

nocompress  segment space management auto




create user kfmhdev identified by kfmhdev

default tablespace tbs_kfmh_dat01

temporary tablespace temp

profile default

password expire;


-- grant/revoke object privileges 

grant execute on dbms_job to kfmhdev;

grant execute on dbms_random to kfmhdev;

-- grant/revoke role privileges 

grant connect to kfmhdev;

-- grant/revoke system privileges 

grant alter session to kfmhdev;

grant create cluster to kfmhdev;

grant create materialized view to kfmhdev;

grant create procedure to kfmhdev;

grant create sequence to kfmhdev;

grant create session to kfmhdev;

grant create synonym to kfmhdev;

grant create table to kfmhdev;

grant create trigger to kfmhdev;

grant create type to kfmhdev;

grant create view to kfmhdev;

grant execute any procedure to kfmhdev;

grant execute any type to kfmhdev;

grant force transaction to kfmhdev;

grant select any table to kfmhdev;

grant unlimited tablespace to kfmhdev;


select a.tablespace_name "表空間名", 

total "表空間大小", 

free "表空間剩餘大小", 

(total - free) "表空間使用大小", 

total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空間大小(g)", 

free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空間剩餘大小(g)", 

(total - free) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空間使用大小(g)", 

round((total - free) / total, 4) * 100 "使用率 %" 

from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free 

from dba_free_space 

group by tablespace_name) a, 

(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) total 

from dba_data_files 

group by tablespace_name) b 

where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name 

select * from user_tables;

select * from user_tables where num_rows!=0;


select * from user_constraints c where c.constraint_type = 'r';


select t.*,i.index_type from user_ind_columns t,user_indexes i where t.index_name = i.index_name and t.table_name = i.table_name


select name from user_source where type = 'trigger' group by name




--# su - oracle


--$ exp sys/oracle\"@kfmh\" file=kfmhtest.dmp owner=kfmhtest log=exp_kfmhtest.log

只匯出資料物件,不匯出資料 (rows=n )







3. 三種模式 


匯出:匯出一張或幾張表:$ exp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log tables=table1,table2 


$ exp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log tables=table1 query=\「where col1=\『…\』and col2 \


$ imp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log tables=table1, 

table2 fromuser=dbuser touser=dbuser2 commit=y ignore=y 


匯出:$ exp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log owner=(xx, yy) 

只匯出資料物件,不匯出資料 (rows=n ) 

$ exp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log owner=user rows=n 

匯入:$ imp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log fromuser=dbuser touser=dbuser2 

commit=y ignore=y 


$ exp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log full=ycommit=y ignore=y 

匯入:$ imp user/pwd file=/dir/***.dmp log=***.log fromuser=dbuser touser=dbuser2 


create or replace procedure drop all ascursor cur obj is select uo.object name,uo.object type from user objects uo where uo.object name not in drop al...


刪除表有2個辦法 1,刪除使用者 這是最快的方法 2,生成刪除語句 方法一drop user cascade 方法二你需要建立這些刪除語句,通過oracle的資料字典找到該使用者下的所有表 檢視等物件,拼接成語句。如下select drop table table name chr 13 chr 1...


sql指令碼 唯一注意的是下面的f dropobj.sql 為操作的.sql 你的電腦沒有f盤,請換為d或者e其他存在的碟符 用於刪除當前使用者的所有物件 use for drop all objects in current user set heading off set feedback of...