PHP 非同步的curl

2021-07-15 05:23:23 字數 1146 閱讀 9192


1. 不能跨平台

2. 建立程序的開銷似乎大了些



$nodes = array('', '', '');

$node_count = count($nodes);

$curl_arr = array();

$master = curl_multi_init();

for($i = 0; $i < $node_count; $i++)

do while($running > 0);

echo "results: ";

for($i = 0; $i < $node_count; $i++)

echo 'done';


let』s get one thing out in the open. curl is sweet. it does it』s job very well, and i』m absoutely thrilled it exists.

unfortunately using the curl_multi_exec is poorly documented in the php manual.

google: .1s

microsoft: .3s .5s

your total time will be .9s, just for api calls.

by using curl_multi_exec, you can execute those requests in parallel, and you』ll only be limited by the slowest request, which is about .5 sec to rustyrazorblade in this case, assuming your download bandwidth is not slowing you down.

sample code:

PHP開發 curl的使用

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