
2021-07-15 18:13:52 字數 1891 閱讀 8257


tree 檢視,底部顯示指定字段合計數 ,檢視中欄位定義上在sum,

取自sale.view_order_tree 銷售訂單 tree 檢視

odoo使用group by分組時顯示字段合計


the key is to overwrite theread_groupmethod of the class:

class your_class(osv.osv):

# ...

def read_group(self, cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=none, context=none, orderby=false, lazy=true):

res = super(your_class, self).read_group(cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset, limit=limit, context=context, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy)

if 'amount_pending' in fields:

for line in res:

if '__domain' in line:

lines = self.search(cr, uid, line['__domain'], context=context)

pending_value = 0.0

for current_account in self.browse(cr, uid, lines, context=context):

pending_value += current_account.amount_pending

line['amount_pending'] = pending_value

if 'amount_payed' in fields:

for line in res:

if '__domain' in line:

lines = self.search(cr, uid, line['__domain'], context=context)

payed_value = 0.0

for current_account in self.browse(cr, uid, lines, context=context):

payed_value += current_account.amount_payed

line['amount_payed'] = payed_value

return res

if you want, for example, remove the sum of a column in the group by, you can do something like this:

class your_class(osv.osv):

# ...

def read_group(self, cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=none, context=none, orderby=false, lazy=true):

if 'column' in fields:


return super(your_class, self).read_group(cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset, limit=limit, context=context, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy):

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1 在前端頁面顯示資料庫查詢出的資料 考慮主要有兩種情況,一種是查詢結果為單行 一種查詢結果為多行 採用的資料結構為list 每一行為一組查詢的記錄,每個記錄中又有唯一的k與之對應。2 前端顯示的字段是無序的,與資料庫字段顯示順序不一致 需要進一步考慮資料結構,要想保證有序,需要採用的資料結構為li...