SpringAop 原理及原始碼 隨筆記錄

2021-07-22 05:21:16 字數 1890 閱讀 1238



public object getproxy(classloader classloader)

class> proxiedinte***ces = aopproxyutils.completeproxiedinte***ces(this.advised, true);


return proxy.newproxyinstance(classloader, proxiedinte***ces, this);

}... prompt''


想對於常用**模式區別在於 將實現介面的方式改為將**類繼承至被**類。然後進行**模式其他操作


public object getproxy(classloader classloader)


}// validate the class, writing log messages as necessary.

validateclassifnecessary(proxysuperclass, classloader);

// configure cglib enhancer...

enhancer enhancer = createenhancer();

if (classloader != null)




enhancer.setstrategy(new classloaderawareundeclaredthrowablestrategy(classloader));

callback callbacks = getcallbacks(rootclass);

class> types = new class>[callbacks.length];

for (int x = 0; x < types.length; x++)

// fixedinterceptormap only populated at this point, after getcallbacks call above

enhancer.setcallbackfilter(new proxycallbackfilter(

this.advised.getconfigurationonlycopy(), this.fixedinterceptormap, this.fixedinterceptoroffset));


// generate the proxy class and create a proxy instance.

return createproxyclassandinstance(enhancer, callbacks);

}catch (codegenerationexception ex)

catch (illegalargumentexception ex)

catch (exception ex)


Spring AOP原理之原始碼學習

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Spring AOP 原始碼詳解

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spring aop原始碼分析

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