C 4 0新特性之元組Tuple

2021-07-22 07:02:25 字數 1603 閱讀 6289


public class point

public int y

}//the user customer data type.

point p = new point() ;

//use the predefine generic tuple type.

tuplep2 = new tuple(10, 20);

//console.writeline(p.x + p.y);

console.writeline(p2.item1 + p2.item2);

乙個簡單的包含兩個int型別成員的類,傳統的方法定義point需要寫很多**,但是使用tuple卻只有一句,組元多用於方法的返回值。如果乙個函式返回多個型別,這樣就不在用out , ref等輸出引數了,可以直接定義乙個tuple型別就可以了。非常方便。

//1 member

tupletest = new tuple(1);

//2 member ( 1< n <8 )

tupletest2 = tuple.create(1,2);

//8 member , the last member must be tuple type.

tuple> test3 = new tuple>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, new tuple(8));


console.writeline(test2.item1 + test2.item2);

console.writeline(test3.item1 + test3.item2 + test3.item3 + test3.item4 + test3.item5 + test3.item6 + test3.item7 + test3.rest.item1);




//2 member ,the second type is the nest type tuple.

tuple> test4 = new tuple>(1, new tuple(2));

//10 member datatype. nest the 8 parameter type.

tuple> test5 = new tuple>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, new tuple(8, 9, 10));

//console.writeline(test4.item1 + test4.item2.item1);

console.writeline(test5.item1 + test5.item2 + test5.item3 + test5.item4 + test5.item5 + test5.item6 + test5.item7 + test5.rest.item1 + test5.rest.item2 + test5.rest.item3);

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