
2021-07-24 15:14:48 字數 1848 閱讀 9967


private sub command5_click()

if adodc2.recordset.recordcount = 0 then

msgbox "沒有資料可匯出!", vbexclamation, "匯出"


msgbox "將把資料匯出到excle裡,請稍等.......", vbexclamation, "匯出"

screen.mousepointer = vbhourglass

dim i as integer

dim j as integer

' xlsheet.cells.columns.  '.autofit

screen.mousepointer = 11

with xlsheet


.columns(1).columnwidth = 9.15

.columns(2).columnwidth = 14.13

.columns(3).columnwidth = 14.63

.columns(4).columnwidth = 6.5

.columns(5).columnwidth = 12.5

'字型 邊框  居中

.cells.font.size = 9

.cells(1, 1).borders.linestyle = 1 '邊框

.cells(1, 2).borders.linestyle = 1

.cells(1, 3).borders.linestyle = 1

.cells(1, 4).borders.linestyle = 1

.cells(1, 5).borders.linestyle = 1

.cells.horizontalalignment = xlcenter

.cells.wraptext = true  '自動換行

.cells.entirecolumn.autofit  '行高根據內容自動調整



.name = cstr(date)  '時間為名稱


.cells(1, 1) = "t1"

.cells(1, 2) = "t2"

.cells(1, 3) = "t3"

.cells(1, 4) = "t4"

.cells(1, 5) = "t5"

end with

for i = 1 to vsflexgrid5.rows - 1 '遍歷vsflexgrid5的所有行數

for j = 1 to vsflexgrid5.cols - 1 '遍歷vsflexgrid5所有的列數

str = trim(vsflexgrid5.textmatrix(i, j))

'去掉空格 回車符

str = replace(str, vbcr, "")

str = replace(str, vblf, "")

xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j) = trim(str)


xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j).borders.linestyle = 1


'  xlsheet.range(xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j), xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j)).verticalalignment = 3

'  xlsheet.range(xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j), xlsheet.cells(i + 1, j)).horizontalalignment = 3

end if

end sub


region datagridview資料顯示到excel 開啟excel並將datagridview控制項中資料匯出到excel datagridview物件 是否顯示excel介面 add com microsoft excel 11.0 object library using excel m...


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一 加上表頭後變成亂碼 要匯出的datatable 型別 excel的檔名 匯出的檔案中不帶表頭 二 使用wps開啟正常 匯出到excel 已經實現效果 資料表 檔名 列名 需要查詢幾列 else else resp.write ls item resp.write resp.end 三 目前用著感...