
2021-07-25 12:51:00 字數 4371 閱讀 4119

public static void main(string args) throws exception );

while (querytype.next())


system.out.println("公告型別數量:" + typelist.size());

for (int i = 0; i < typelist.size(); i++)

}// ---------------------------------

// 查詢所有公告內容--------------------

string sql = "select * from (select f.content from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_anno_files f where f.doc_id in"

+ " (select t.id from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_ann_info t where t.ann_num='1526' and t.ann_type_code= ?) order by f.doc_no) where rownum<101 ";

// 查詢單個公告內容-------------------

string onesql = "select a.content from (select rownum as rn, t.* from (select * from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_anno_files f "

+ " where f.doc_id in (select t.id from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_ann_info t where t.ann_num = '1526'"

+ " and t.ann_type_code =?) order by f.doc_no) t) a where rn =? and a.doc_type_code='anno'";

// 查詢該型別公告總數量

string countsql = "select max(h.page_num) from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_ann_info h where h.ann_type_code=? and h.ann_num='1526'";

// 查詢雜文公告註冊號-----------------------

/** string

* regnumsql="select h.reg_num from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_ann_search h,"

* +* "(select t.ann_num, t.ann_type_code from tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_anno_files f,"

* +* " tmu_tmedms.t_tmedms_tm_ann_info t where f.doc_id = t.id and t.ann_num = '1526'"

* +" and f.doc_no = ? and t.ann_type_code = ? order by f.doc_no) g"+

* " where h.ann_num = g.ann_num  and h.ann_type_code = g.ann_type_code and h.page_no = ? "

* ;*/

// long state= system.currenttimemillis();

date d = new date();


document document = null;

document = new document(com.itextpdf.text.pagesize.a4, 50, 50, 50, 50);

file f = new file("d:\\g.pdf");

//filereader filereader = new filereader("d:\\g.pdf");

// document = new document(new pdfreader(files[0]).getpagesize(1));

pdfcopy copy = new pdfcopy(document, new fileoutputstream(f, true));

// fileoutputstream outputstream = new

// fileoutputstream("d:\\g.pdf",true);


date d2 = new date();

system.out.println("開始:" + d2);

int n = 0;

int k = 0;

listlist1 = new arraylist();

for (int i = 0; i < stlist.size(); i++) );

if (count.next())



// 加入小節內容

for (int j = 1; j <= countanno; j++)

byte content1 = null;

resultset queryanno = tutil.doquery(onesql, new object );

if (queryanno.next())


// system.out.println(stlist.get(i)+":第"+j+"個");

inputstream is = new byteinputstream(content1, 0,


try catch (exception e) finally

/** file f=new file("d:/pdf/test"+stlist.get(i)+j+".pdf");

* fileoutputstream fos=new fileoutputstream(f);

* fos.write(content1); fos.flush(); fos.close();


* inputstream is=new

* byteinputstream(content1,0,content1.length); pdfreader reader

* = new pdfreader(is); pdfstamper stamper = new

* pdfstamper(reader, new

* fileoutputstream("d:\\b.pdf",true),encoding,true);

* pdfcontentbyte overcontent = stamper.getovercontent(1);

* overcontent.add(overcontent); stamper.close();

*/// outputstream output = new outputstreamwriter(new

// fileoutputstream("d:/merged2.txt",true),encoding);

}// --------------------------------

// inputstream is=new byteinputstream();

// mergepdf.addsources(sourceslist)

// string folder = "d:/pdf";

// string destinationfilename = "cqs.pdf";

/** string newname=null; for (int i = 0; i <3; i++)

*/// string filesinfolder = getfiles(folder);

/** for(int i = 0; i < getfiles(folder).length; i++)

*/// system.out.println(newname);

/** mergepdf.setdestinationfilename(folder + file.separator +

* destinationfilename); mergepdf.mergedocuments(); mergepdf.get


* date d1=new date(); system.out.println(d1); long end=

* system.currenttimemillis(); //

* system.out.println((end-state)/1000+"秒");*/}





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