ubuntu 14 04 gedit中文亂碼

2021-07-25 21:50:05 字數 417 閱讀 9058

在中文支援配置還不完整的ubuntu 14.04中,使用gedit開啟帶有中文字元的檔案有時會出現亂碼的情況,這是由於gedit對字元編碼匹配不正確導致的,解決方法如下:


gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings auto-detected "['gb18030', 'gb2312', 'gbk', 'utf-8', 'big5', 'current', 'utf-16']"

gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings shown-in-menu "['gb18030', 'gb2312', 'gbk', 'utf-8', 'big5', 'current', 'utf-16']"


解決 ubuntu14 04下的gedit中文亂碼

ubuntu14.04下的gedit開啟windows下預設編碼的txt 用sublime開啟顯示為gb2312 有問題,解決方案 1,在終端中輸入 dconf editor 2,在彈出的配置資訊中進行配置,具體是 org gnome gedit perferences encodings,修改其中...


gedit 1953 gtk warning attempting to store changes into root local share recently used.xbel but failed 建立檔案 root local share recently used.xbel.kayl7v...


gedit 1953 gtk warning attempting to store changes into root local share recently used.xbel but failed 建立檔案 root local share recently used.xbel.kayl7v...