leetCode刷題筆記 2017 01 28

2021-07-26 11:32:10 字數 735 閱讀 4712

2. add two numbers


public class solution

else if (curr1 != null && curr2 == null)


curr = curr.next;

}listnode currn = output.next;

while (currn != null)


}currn = currn.next;

}return output.next;}}

328. odd even linked list


public class solution

listnode oddnode = head;

listnode evennode = head.next;

// referance for moving on

listnode curro = oddnode;

listnode curre = evennode;

while (curro.next != null && curre.next != null)

// connect two chain

curro.next = evennode;

return oddnode;}}

LeetCode刷題實戰201 數字範圍按位與

given a range m,n where 0 m n 2147483647,return the bitwise and of all numbers in this range,inclusive.給定範圍 m,n 其中 0 m n 2147483647,返回此範圍內所有數字的按位與 包含 ...


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實現strstr 給定乙個 haystack 字串和乙個 needle 字串,在 haystack 字串中找出 needle 字串出現的第乙個位置 從0開始 如果不存在,則返回 1。示例 1 輸入 haystack hello needle ll 輸出 2 示例 2 輸入 haystack aaaa...