
2021-07-27 11:54:09 字數 4311 閱讀 1553


--轉化成找出出生日期比 "微冷的雨"大的日期

select * from student


select * from student

where birthday>(select birthday from student where studentno='23311')


--02.子查詢優先于父查詢 (外層查詢) 預設認為沒有 32層


--2.以後提交作業直接提交到ftp 對應資料夾

--03.pdf +++++++++c#本質論 ++++梅超風級別 via clr c#



select studentname,studentresult

from student,result

where student.studentno=result.studentno

and subjectid=(select top 1 subjectid from subject where subjectname='oop' order by subjectid)

and studentresult=70

--方案:內連線 3張表

select studentname,studentresult

from student,result,subject

where student.studentno=result.studentno

and subject.subjectid=result.subjectid

and subjectname='oop' --該列只在科目表subject中出現過

and studentresult=70

--請問:子查詢和表連線的使用場景以及區別 3個維度

--1.所有的表連線語句都可以用 子查詢替換 。但是子查詢語句不一定能使用表連線替換 結論:子查詢應用場景更廣

--2. where後面的子查詢 是通過查詢表中的特定條件,檢索出結果,作為條件。

-- 表連線將多表的公共列進行特定格式的組織,裝配,將整個需要的列拼出一張大表返回。



select max(studentresult),min(studentresult)

from result

where examdate=

( select max(examdate)

from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid

from subject

where subjectname='oop'

))and subjectid=

( select subjectid

from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) --案例1:.查詢參加「oop」課程最近一次考試的在讀學生名單(學生姓名,學生編號)

select studentname,studentno

from student

where studentno in

( select studentno from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) and examdate=

( select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop')))

select * from student

where address='北京' or address='武漢'

select * from student

where address in('北京','武漢')



if exists

( select studentresult from result

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

)and examdate=

(select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) )

and studentresult>80

) begin

--有,每人提2分 99

update result set studentresult=100

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

)and examdate=

(select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) )

and studentresult>98

update result set studentresult+=2

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

)and examdate=

(select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) )

and studentresult<=98




update result set studentresult+=5

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

)and examdate=

(select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) )

endselect * from result

where subjectid=

(select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

)and examdate=

(select max(examdate) from result

where subjectid=

( select subjectid from subject

where subjectname='oop'

) )

---分頁:雙top 雙order by 每頁顯示3條記錄,我想要第二頁資料 4-6條

select top 5 * from student

where studentno not in

( select top 0 studentno from student

)select * from student


select * from student

--跳過3條 取3條 2頁

--跳過6條 取3條 3頁

--跳過9條 取3條 4頁


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