JUnit 単體 (自分 勉強 )

2021-07-27 21:35:44 字數 1636 閱讀 9176

assert 判斷/斷言

implement 執行/實現

expected 期望

actual 實際

keeps the bar green, to keep the code clean;

1. assertthat

2. 使用hamcrest的匹配方法

a) 更自然

3. 示例

a) assertthat( n, allof( greaterthan(1), lessthan(15) ) );

assertthat( n, anyof( greaterthan(16), lessthan(8) ) );

assertthat( n, anything() );

assertthat( str, is( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( str, not( "innovation" ) );

b) assertthat( str, containsstring( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( str, endswith("innovation" ) );

assertthat( str, startswith( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( n, equalto( nexpected ) );

assertthat( str, equaltoignoringcase( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( str, equaltoignoringwhitespace( "innovation" ) );

c) assertthat( d, closeto( 3.0, 0.3 ) );

assertthat( d, greaterthan(3.0) );

assertthat( d, lessthan (10.0) );

assertthat( d, greaterthanorequalto (5.0) );

assertthat( d, lessthanorequalto (16.0) );

d) assertthat( map, hasentry( "innovation", "innovation" ) );

assertthat( iterable, hasitem ( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( map, haskey ( "innovation" ) );

assertthat( map, hasvalue ( "innovation" ) );

1. @test: 測試方法

a) (expected=xxexception.class)

b) (timeout=***)

2. @ignore: 被忽略的測試方法

3. @before: 每乙個測試方法之前執行

4. @after: 每乙個測試方法之後執行

5. @beforeclass: 所有測試開始之前執行//搭載耗時間的資源的環境時使用

6. @afterclass: 所有測試結束之後執行//釋放資源


a) 類放在test包中

b) 類名用***test結尾

c) 方法用testmethod命名

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