資料結構與演算法in C C 1 SWAP

2021-07-28 12:27:34 字數 2516 閱讀 8557


#define _crt_secure_no_warnings





using namespace std; //c和c++可以混在一起,相互相容

int swap_test1(int a, int b);


int swap_test2(int

*p1, int


//2.傳位址 使用指標交換兩int型別變數的值

//use pointer to exchange the value of two variables

#define swap_test3(a,b,t) (t=a,a=b,b=t)


int swap_test4(int &a, int &b);


(standard template library)

//template void swap_test5(t& a, t&b);

int main(void)

printf("after swap a:%d,b:%d\n\n", a, b);

cout << "using address pass"

<< endl;

printf("before swap a:%d,b:%d\n", a, b);

if (swap_test2(&a, &b) < 0)

printf("after swap a:%d,b:%d\n\n", a, b);

cout << "using macro function"

<< endl;

printf("before swap a:%d,b:%d\n", a, b);

if (swap_test3(a,b,t) < 0)

printf("after swap a:%d,b:%d\n\n", a, b);

cout << "using alias"

<< endl;

printf("before swap a:%d,b:%d\n", a, b);

if (swap_test4(a, b) < 0)

printf("after swap a:%d,b:%d\n\n", a, b);

cout << "using std::swap which is templatevoid swap(t& a,t& b)"

<< endl;

printf("before swap a:%d,b:%d\n", a, b);

std::swap(a, b);

printf("after swap a:%d,b:%d\n\n", a, b);


int swap_test1(int a, int b)

int swap_test2(int

*p1, int


p1_temp = p1;

p2_temp = p2;

printf("in function,before swap a:%d,b:%d\n",*p1,*p2);

*p1_temp += *p2_temp;

*p2_temp = *p1_temp - *p2_temp;

*p1_temp = *p1_temp - *p2_temp;

printf("in function,after swap a:%d,b:%d\n", *p1, *p2);

} int swap_test4(int &a, int &b)


/* 我們以c和c++為例子看看交換演算法有幾種表示方法:

1. void swap(int a, int b); 錯誤!!!值拷貝的方法無法交換變數的值..思考:請用記憶體四區圖分析一下為什麼值拷貝無法交換變數的值?

2. void swap (int

*a, int

*b); 指標是比較常用的函式引數

3. 巨集函式方法





4. void swap (int &a, int &b);





5. 呼叫stl模板庫




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