pg學習 資料更新

2021-07-29 22:00:02 字數 3495 閱讀 4363




highgo=# \h insert

command: insert

description: create new rows in a table


[ with [ recursive ] with_query [, ...] ]

insert into table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]

[, ...] ) [, ...] | query }

[ returning * | output_expression [ [ as ] output_name ] [, ...] ]


highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


(0 rows)

highgo=# insert into test1 values(001,'adam');

insert 0 1


highgo=# insert into test1(id) values(002);

insert 0 1

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


1 | adam

2 |

(2 rows)


highgo=# insert into test1(id,name)

highgo-# select id,name from test2;

insert 0 1

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


1 | adam

2 |

2 | lilith

(3 rows)


[highgo@node1 ~]$ vi insert_test1.sql

insert into test1 values(003,'eva');


highgo=# \i insert_test1.sql

insert 0 1

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


1 | adam

2 |

2 | lilith

3 | eva

(4 rows)



highgo=# \h update

command: update

description: update rows of a table


[ with [ recursive ] with_query [, ...] ]

update [ only ] table_name [ * ] [ [ as ] alias ]

set |

( column_name [, ...] ) = ( [, ...] ) } [, ...]

[ from from_list ]

[ where condition | where current of cursor_name ]

[ returning * | output_expression [ [ as ] output_name ] [, ...] ]

highgo=# update test1 set name='adam' where id=2;

update 2

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


1 | adam

3 | eva

2 | adam

2 | adam

(4 rows)


highgo=# update test2

highgo-# set name=(select name from test1 where id=1),

highgo-# id=(select id from test1 where name='adam')

highgo-# where id=2;

update 2

highgo=# select * from test2;

id | name


1 | adam

1 | adam

(2 rows)


highgo=# update test1

highgo-# set name=(select name from test2 where id =2)

highgo-# where name='adam';

update 2

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


3 | eva

1 | eva

2 | lilith

2 | lilith

(4 rows)



highgo=# \h delete

command: delete

description: delete rows of a table


[ with [ recursive ] with_query [, ...] ]

delete from [ only ] table_name [ * ] [ [ as ] alias ]

[ using using_list ]

[ where condition | where current of cursor_name ]

[ returning * | output_expression [ [ as ] output_name ] [, ...] ]

highgo=# delete from test1 where id=2;

delete 2

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


3 | eva

1 | eva

(2 rows)


highgo=# delete from test1 where name in (select name from test2);

delete 2

highgo=# select * from test1;

id | name


(0 rows)

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