pci stub的使用方法

2021-07-31 02:09:51 字數 2099 閱讀 4655

先看一下pci_stub 是如何使用的,通過下面這段code 可以將0000:00:19.0的driver和device 分來

* # echo "8086 10f5" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id

* # echo -n 0000:00:19.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/e1000e/unbind

* # echo -n 0000:00:19.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind

* # ls -l /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:19.0/driver

* .../0000:00:19.0/driver -> ../../../bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub

從這裡能看出如果往driver的unbind寫0000:00:19.0的話,就可以將device和driver 分開。這樣0000:00:19.0 對應的的driver就能和pci_stub 繫結而和0000:00:19.0對應的硬體解幫

使用pci stub ,能夠將這個pci裝置跟目前繫結的驅動分離,暫時由pci stub driver接管,最後交給虛擬機器。

static int pci_stub_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id)

static struct pci_driver stub_driver = ;

static int __init pci_stub_init(void)


"pci-stub: add %04x:%04x sub=%04x:%04x cls=%08x/%08x\n",

vendor, device, subvendor, subdevice, class, class_mask);

rc = pci_add_dynid(&stub_driver, vendor, device,

subvendor, subdevice, class, class_mask, 0);

if (rc)


"pci-stub: failed to add dynamic id (%d)\n", rc);

}return 0;

}從pci_stub的看如果把pci_stub build 成ko的話,就可以在insmod ko的時候通過ids制定引數。而一般我們是把pci_stub buildin的,這樣ids就是null。這時候while迴圈的條件while ((id = strsep(&p, ","))) 就不成立,就直接可以退出了,這樣pci_stub 的probe函式就只註冊了stub_driver。

這時候就要通過echo "8086 10f5" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id 來寫如id。


static ssize_t store_new_id(struct device_driver *driver, const char *buf,

size_t count)

/* only accept driver_data values that match an existing id_table

entry */

if (ids)


}if (retval)    /* no match */

return retval;

}// 將8086 10f5 這個pci裝置和pci_stub 繫結

retval = pci_add_dynid(pdrv, vendor, device, subvendor, subdevice,

class, class_mask, driver_data);

if (retval)

return retval;

return count;

}static driver_attr(new_id, s_iwusr, null, store_new_id);

總結一下:每個pci 裝置都有new_id 這個屬性,所以每個pci裝置都可以在解幫後再和pci_stub 幫訂.

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