Spring 原始碼貼上3

2021-08-01 05:49:36 字數 2600 閱讀 6514


public void setpropertyvalues(propertyvalues pvs, boolean ignoreunknown, boolean ignoreinvalid)

throws bean***ception

... }

public void setpropertyvalue(propertyvalue pv) throws bean***ception 

catch (notreadablepropertyexception ex)

tokens = getpropertynametokens(getfinalpath(nestedpa, propertyname));

if (nestedpa == this)

nestedpa.setpropertyvalue(tokens, pv);

} else



protected void setpropertyvalue(propertytokenholder tokens, propertyvalue pv) throws bean***ception 

catch (notreadablepropertyexception ex)

// set value for last key.

string key = tokens.keys[tokens.keys.length - 1];

if (propvalue == null)


}if (propvalue.getclass().isarray())

object convertedvalue = convertifnecessary(propertyname, oldvalue, pv.getvalue(),

requiredtype, ph.nested(tokens.keys.length));

int length = array.getlength(propvalue);

if (arrayindex >= length && arrayindex < this.autogrowcollectionlimit)

array.set(propvalue, arrayindex, convertedvalue);

}catch (indexoutofbound***ception ex)

}else if (propvalue instanceof list)

object convertedvalue = convertifnecessary(propertyname, oldvalue, pv.getvalue(),

requiredtype, ph.nested(tokens.keys.length));

int size = list.size();

if (index >= size && index < this.autogrowcollectionlimit)

catch (nullpointerexception ex)



catch (indexoutofbound***ception ex) }}

else if (propvalue instanceof map)

// pass full property name and old value in here, since we want full

// conversion ability for map values.

object convertedmapvalue = convertifnecessary(propertyname, oldvalue, pv.getvalue(),

mapvaluetype, ph.nested(tokens.keys.length));

map.put(convertedmapkey, convertedmapvalue);


} else



}object oldvalue = null;



catch (exception ex)

if (logger.isdebugenabled()) }}

propertyname, oldvalue, originalvalue, ph.totypedescriptor());}}

}catch (typemismatchexception ex)

catch (invocationtargetexception ex)


throw new methodinvocationexception(propertychangeevent, cause);}}

catch (exception ex)

} }


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