
2021-08-01 07:05:29 字數 2631 閱讀 1748


2.通過tr --help命令可以知道tr命令的具體用法

[xh@centos6 ~]$ tr --help

usage: tr [option]... set1 [set2] #set1 需要進行操作的字符集 set2 指定要轉換成的字符集

translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, #對來自標準輸入的字元進行替換、壓縮、刪除操作,並寫入到標準輸出

writing to standard output.

-c, -c, --complement use the complement of set1 #用來取代所有不屬於第一字符集的字元

-d, --delete delete characters in set1, do not translate #刪除所有屬於第一字符集的字元

-s, --squeeze-repeats replace each input sequence of a repeated character #把連續重複的字元以單獨乙個字元表示

that is listed in set1 with a single occurrence

of that character

-t, --truncate-set1 first truncate set1 to length of set2 #將set1用set2轉換,是tr預設選項,可以省略

--help display this help and exit

--version output version information and exit

sets are specified as strings of characters. most represent themselves. #也可以對特殊字元進行替換

interpreted sequences are:

\nnn character with octal value nnn (1 to 3 octal digits)

\\ backslash

\a audible bel

\b backspace

\f form feed

\n new line

\r return

\t horizontal tab

\v vertical tab

char1-char2 all characters from char1 to char2 in ascending order

[char*] in set2, copies of char until length of set1

[char*repeat] repeat copies of char, repeat octal if starting with 0

[:alnum:] all letters and digits

[:alpha:] all letters

[:blank:] all horizontal whitespace

[:cntrl:] all control characters

[:digit:] all digits

[:graph:] all printable characters, not including space

[:lower:] all lower case letters

[:print:] all printable characters, including space

[:punct:] all punctuation characters

[:space:] all horizontal or vertical whitespace

[:upper:] all upper case letters

[:xdigit:] all hexadecimal digits

[=char=] all characters which are equivalent to char



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