python筆記 007 輸入和while迴圈

2021-08-03 03:58:25 字數 2227 閱讀 4666

# 使用者輸入

# 使用input()獲取字串輸入

name = input("what's you name: ") # 暫停等待輸入

print('hello, ' + name)

# 使用int()將字串轉化為數值

age = input('how old are you: ') # 暫停等待輸入

age = int(age)

print(18 < age)

# ★求模運算子(%)

aaa = 5 % 3

print(aaa) # 求出5除3的餘數

# ★while迴圈

aaa = 1

while aaa <= 5:


aaa += 1

# 讓使用者選擇何時退出

print("===enter 'q' to exit===")

msg = ''

while msg != 'q':

msg = input('input something: ')

if msg != 'q':



# ★使用break退出迴圈

print("===enter 'q' to exit===")

while true:

msg = input('input something: ')

if msg == 'q':





# ★使用continue

# 輸出1-10能整除2的數

num = 0

while num <= 10:

num += 1

if num % 2 != 0:



# ★while迴圈處理列表

# 首先,建立乙個待驗證使用者列表

# 和乙個用於儲存已驗證使用者的空列表

unconfirmed_users = ['alice', 'brian', 'candace']

confirmed_users =

# 驗證每個使用者,直到沒有未驗證使用者為止

# 將每個經過驗證的列表都移到已驗證使用者列表中

while unconfirmed_users:

current_user = unconfirmed_users.pop()

print("verifying user: " + current_user.title())

# ★刪除列表內所有特定值

pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'goldfish', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'cat']


while 'cat' in pets:



# ★使用while填充字典

responses = {}

# 設定乙個標誌,指出調查是否繼續

polling_active = true

while polling_active:

# 提示輸入被調查者的名字和回答

name = input("\nwhat is your name? ")

response = input("which mountain would you like to climb someday? ")

# 將答卷儲存在字典中

# responses[key] = value

responses[name] = response

# 看看是否還有人要參與調查

repeat = input("would you like to let another person respond? (yes/ no) ")

if repeat == 'no':

polling_active = false

# 調查結束,顯示結果

print("\n--- poll results ---")

for name, response in responses.items():

print(name + " would like to climb " + response + ".")

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python學習筆記 使用者輸入和while迴圈

函式input 讓程式等待執行,等待使用者輸入一些文字。它接受乙個引數 向使用者顯示的提示 說明。prompt if you tell me who you are,i can personalize the messages you see prompt nwhat is your name?na...