
2021-08-03 17:58:55 字數 824 閱讀 3166




1、float android.content.res.resources.getfraction(int id, int base, int pbase);--2017.7.12於gm

idint: the desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt tool. this integer encodes the package, type, and resource entry. the value 0 is an invalid identifier.

baseint: the base value of this fraction. in other words, a standard fraction is multiplied by this value.

pbaseint: the parent base value of this fraction. in other words, a parent fraction (nn%p) is multiplied by this value.

**中引用:getresources().getfraction(r.fraction.battery_button_height_fraction, 1, 1);

資源檔案位置 : values/dimens.xml


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