
2021-08-03 22:21:33 字數 1713 閱讀 4669

1.keras tensor計算的舉例說明:

maxpool = maxpool2d((2, 2))(input)


maxpool2d((2, 2))
是將maxpool2d class例項化, (2, 2)是class中def __init__()(也可能是通過super方法引用基類layer class中的初始化方法__init__) 初始化方法(method)的實參,例項化之後, input(keras tensor)作為class中__call__()方法(從layer class繼承,並且在例項化的時候被自動呼叫)的實參,被進行計算,並且返回output tensor

def __call__(self, inputs, **kwargs):# layer class(object)的函式

if a keras tensor is passed:

- we call self._add_inbound_node().

- if necessary, we `build` the layer to match

the _keras_shape of the input(s).

- we update the _keras_shape of every input tensor with

its new shape (obtained via self.compute_output_shape).

this is done as part of _add_inbound_node().

- we update the _keras_history of the output tensor(s)

with the current layer.

this is done as part of _add_inbound_node().

# arguments

inputs: can be a tensor or list/tuple of tensors.

**kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `call()`.

# returns

output of the layer's `call` method.

# raises

valueerror: in case the layer is missing shape information

for its `build` call.


python中的特殊函式call  : 


python中,如果在建立class的時候寫了call()方法, 那麼該class例項化出例項後, 例項名()就是呼叫call()方法。


class animal(object):

__call__(self, words):

print "hello: ", words

if __name__ == "__main__":

cat = animal()

cat("i am cat!")

>>> hello: i am cat!


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