總結C 獲取DPI的幾種方式

2021-08-06 01:30:24 字數 1413 閱讀 3053




using (graphics graphics = graphics.fromhwnd(intptr.zero))


using (managementclass mc = new managementclass("win32_desktopmonitor"))




static extern intptr getdc(intptr ptr);


static extern int getdevicecaps(

intptr hdc, // handle to dc

int nindex // index of capability

);[dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint = "releasedc")]

static extern intptr releasedc(intptr hwnd, intptr hdc);

const int horzres = 8;

const int vertres = 10;

const int logpixelsx = 88;

const int logpixelsy = 90;

const int desktopvertres = 117;

const int desktophorzres = 118;

/// /// 獲取螢幕解析度當前物理大小


public static size workingarea

}/// /// 當前系統dpi_x 大小 一般為96


public static int dpix

}/// /// 當前系統dpi_y 大小 一般為96


public static int dpiy

}/// /// 獲取真實設定的桌面解析度大小


public static size desktop

}/// /// 獲取寬度縮放百分比


public static float scalex

}/// /// 獲取高度縮放百分比


public static float scaley


C 獲取當前螢幕DPI

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