Python的一些高階學習 2017 08 16

2021-08-06 06:47:42 字數 1144 閱讀 8913



in [7]: f = open('access.log')

in [7]: lines = f.readlines()

in [7]: lines[1:19]



in [7]: from itertools import islice

in [8]: islice?

type: type

string form: docstring:

islice(iterable, [start,] stop [, step]) --> islice object

return an iterator whose next() method returns selected values from an

iterable. if start is specified, will skip all preceding elements;

otherwise, start defaults to zero. step defaults to one. if

specified as another value, step determines how many values are

skipped between successive calls. works like a slice() on a list

but returns an iterator。

這個函式需要乙個可迭代物件, 起始值,終止值, 步進值 ,下面試試看:

in [3]: from itertools import islice

in [4]: islice(lines,100,300)

out[4]: #說明是個可迭代物件

in [5]: for x in islice(lines,100,300):

...: print x

結果是 完美的 成功對文字進行迭代切片

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