
2021-08-07 10:31:28 字數 4622 閱讀 2406

sub 合併當前工作簿下的所有工作表()

for j = 1 to sheets.count

if sheets(j).name <> activesheet.name then

x = range("a65536").end(xlup).row + 1

sheets(j).usedrange.copy cells(x, 1)

end if



msgbox "當前工作簿下的全部工作表已經合併完畢!", vbinformation, "提示"

end sub

sub 多行多列求和()

on error resume next

m = sheets(1).[a65536].end(xlup).row

for i = 3to m step 3

for j = 3to 6

cells(i, j) = cells(i - 1, j) + cells(i - 2, j)

next j

next i

msgbox "@風裡孜然味"

end sub

sub 每隔兩行插入一行()

dim i

for i = 1 to sheet1.range("a3000").end(3).row * 3

rows(i & ":" & i + 0).select

i = i + 2

selection.insert shift:=xldown


end sub

sub 查詢並在該行後插入一行()

dim rng as range, rng1 as range, rng2 as range

set rng1 = cells.find("中國", , , xlwhole) '完全匹配

set rng = rng1

set rng2 = rng1

doset rng2 = cells.findnext(rng2)

if rng2.address = rng1.address then


for each c in selection.rows

rows(c.row + 1).select

selection.insert shift:=xldown



set rng = union(rng, rng2)

end if


end sub

sub 在查詢的行下插入一行bylzf()

dim k, i, s

s = range("a65536").end(3).row

k = 1

for i = 1 to 10000 step 1

k = range("b" & k & ":a" & s).find("合計", , , xlwhole).row

rows(k + 1).insert shift:=xldown

k = k + 1

s = s + 1

if k >= s or range("b" & k & ":a" & s).find("合計", , , xlwhole) is nothing then

exit for

end if


msgbox "結束"

end sub


function pinyin(p as string) as string

i = asc(p)

select case i

case -20319 to -20284: pinyin = "a"

case -20283 to -19776: pinyin = "b"

case -19775 to -19219: pinyin = "c"

case -19218 to -18711: pinyin = "d"

case -18710 to -18527: pinyin = "e"

case -18526 to -18240: pinyin = "f"

case -18239 to -17923: pinyin = "g"

case -17922 to -17418: pinyin = "h"

case -17417 to -16475: pinyin = "j"

case -16474 to -16213: pinyin = "k"

case -16212 to -15641: pinyin = "l"

case -15640 to -15166: pinyin = "m"

case -15165 to -14923: pinyin = "n"

case -14922 to -14915: pinyin = "o"

case -14914 to -14631: pinyin = "p"

case -14630 to -14150: pinyin = "q"

case -14149 to -14091: pinyin = "r"

case -14090 to -13319: pinyin = "s"

case -13318 to -12839: pinyin = "t"

case -12838 to -12557: pinyin = "w"

case -12556 to -11848: pinyin = "x"

case -11847 to -11056: pinyin = "y"

case -11055 to -2050: pinyin = "z"

case else: pinyin = p

end select

end function

function getpy(str)

for i = 1 to len(str)

getpy = getpy & pinyin(mid(str, i, 1))

next i

end function

function mlookup(str, rng) '單元格內匹配字典表

for i = 1 to len(str)

str = replace(str, rng(i, 1), rng(i, 2))

next i

mlookup = str

end function

function gnum(str) '提取數字

dim regx, strnew$

dim omatches as object

set regx = createobject("vbscript.regexp")

regx.pattern = "\d+"

regx.global = true '匹配所有

set omatches = regx.execute(str) '查詢值的集合

for i = 0 to omatches.count - 1

strnew = strnew + omatches.item(i).value + ","


strnew = left(strnew, len(strnew) - 1)

gnum = strnew

end function

sub 合併相同內容單元格()

dim rng as range

dim tem

set rng = selection

tem = rng.count

for i = tem to 1 step -1

if rng.cells(i, 1) = rng.cells(i - 1, 1) then

range(rng.cells(i, 1), rng.cells(i - 1, 1)).merge

end if


end sub


function vvlookup(str, rng) 'vlookup多個

dim mrg as range, aaa as string

set mrg = rng.find(str)

aaa = mrg.address

ss = sheets(4).cells(mrg.row, mrg.column + 1) + ","

doset mrg = rng.findnext(mrg)

ss = ss + sheets(4).cells(mrg.row, mrg.column + 1) + ","

loop until mrg.address = aaa

gnum = ss

end function

function mlookup(str, rng) '單元格內批量替換字典表 (有待改進)

for i = 1 to len(str)

str2 = replace(str, rng(i, 1), rng(i, 2))

if str2 <> str then

exit for


str2 = nan

end if

next i

mlookup = str2

end function


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