
2021-08-08 11:32:59 字數 1750 閱讀 2198

我們知道在client 在通過mbox_send_message給controller傳送資料的時候必須指定channel。例如下面的code

dc_sync->mbox =

(&dc_sync->cl, 0);

/* populate data packet */

/* = 123; etc */

/* send message to remote in blocking mode */

mbox_send_message(dc_sync->mbox, &sp);

/* at this point 'sp' has been sent */


struct mbox_chan *mbox_request_channel_byname(struct mbox_client *cl,const char *name);

struct mbox_chan *mbox_request_channel(struct mbox_client *cl, int index);

使用完成後呼叫mbox_free_channel 釋放channel,這樣別人就可以繼續使用這個channel

void mbox_free_channel(struct mbox_chan *chan); /* may sleep */


struct mbox_chan *mbox_request_channel(struct mbox_client *cl, int index)

}以之前的arm_mhu.c 中定義的mbox_chan_ops為例

static const struct mbox_chan_ops mhu_ops = ;

static int mhu_startup(struct mbox_chan *chan)

return 0;


當client 給controller 通過mbox_send_message傳送資料後,arm_mhu 會產生乙個中斷給cotroller。

static irqreturn_t mhu_rx_interrupt(int irq, void *p)

void mbox_chan_received_data(struct mbox_chan *chan, void *mssg)

controller接收資料的flow 清楚了,再看看client是如何呼叫mbox_send_message 傳送資料的


if (chan->cl->tx_prepare)

chan->cl->tx_prepare(chan->cl, data);

/* try to submit a message to the mbox controller */

err = chan->mbox->ops->send_data(chan, data);

if (!err)

最終還是呼叫controll而的send_data 傳送資料,本例controller的send_data函式為mhu_send_data

static int mhu_send_data(struct mbox_chan *chan, void *data)


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