解決打包指令碼在 Xcode9 環境下報錯

2021-08-08 19:20:55 字數 786 閱讀 6818

最近把 xcode8 公升級到了最新的 xcode9, 再用之前給專案打包的時候,發生了如下的報錯資訊:

xcodebuild[35724:1897631] [mt] idedistribution: step failed: 0x7fe1874348b0>: error domain=idedistributionsigningassetsteperrordomain code=0

"locating signing assets failed." userinfo=

error domain=ideprovisioningerrordomain code=9

** export failed **

根據提示的報錯資訊摸索了一番終於解決了問題,需要在 exportoptions.plist 檔案中加入乙個新的鍵值對,如下:


build.xml the directories where all the source information is located that is used to populate the target directory.the directory where all the interm...


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