MySQL 儲存過程 游標

2021-08-10 18:44:25 字數 1667 閱讀 4771


-- 本儲存過程有特殊執行迴圈數量的要求,是對security_market_history表進行修正

-- 判斷儲存過程是否存在

drop procedure if exists proc_security_market_history_update;

create procedure proc_security_market_history_update()


declare p_i int default 0; -- 設定初始引數

set @p_days = date_sub(curdate(),interval 0 day); -- 設定需要初始化的值

repeat -- 開啟迴圈


create procedure proc_finance_send_charging()


declare cur_time varchar(36);

declare cur_charging_id varchar(10);

declare done int default 0;

/* 宣告游標 */

declare cur cursor for select id from gt_finance_charginginfo where pay_type = 2 and pay_status = 0 

and (type = 2 or type = 3) and create_time <= cur_time and create_time >= 1510122630000;

/* 異常處理 */  

declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;

set cur_time = unix_timestamp(now())* 1000 - 1000*60*30; 

open cur;

fetch next from cur into cur_charging_id;


if not done then

update gt_finance_charginginfo set pay_status = 3 , update_time = unix_timestamp(now())*1000 where id = cur_charging_id;

update gt_finance_sendtask set finance_type = 0 ,finance_status = 0, charging_id = null,receive_time = null,

update_time = unix_timestamp(now())*1000,finance_pay_status = if(finance_pay_status = 1,1,0) 

where charging_id = cur_charging_id;

end if;

fetch next from cur into cur_charging_id;

until done end repeat;

close cur;


call proc_finance_send_charging()


drop procedure proc_finance_send_charging

mysql 游標 儲存過程

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