
2021-08-11 12:00:25 字數 571 閱讀 2724


restarting network (via systemctl):  job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. see "systemctl status network.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.


使用命令 systemctl status network 檢視報錯:failed to start lsb: bring up/down networking.


systemctl stop networkmanager		//停止networkmanager

systemctl disable networkmanager //並使其失效,開機不啟動

systemctl start network //啟動網路後就ok了

Centos 7網絡卡啟動失敗

剛裝好的系統,配好靜態ip後,當時使用沒問題,使用完畢後,我將虛擬機關機,下次重啟,ip位址就沒有顯示。根據提示,我使用 systemctl status network 檢視網路狀態,提示 如下failed to start lsb bring up down networking 解決方式 禁用...

Centos7 網絡卡配置

進入網絡卡配置檔案目錄 cd etc sysconfig network scripts編輯配置檔案 vim ifcfg ens33type ethernet proxy method none browser only no bootproto static 使用靜態ip位址,預設為dhcp ip...


安裝完centos之後,通過ip addr命令檢視ip資訊 root localhost yum.repos.d ip addr 1 lo mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state unknown group default qlen 1000 link loopback 00 0...