DPDK記憶體管理一 結構體

2021-08-14 04:55:32 字數 1916 閱讀 4956

dpdk的記憶體管理工作主要分布在幾個大的部分:大頁初始化與管理,記憶體管理。使用大頁可以減少頁表開銷,是為了儘量減少tbl miss導致的效能損失。基於大頁,dpdk又進一步細化管理這部分記憶體,使得分配,**更加方便。



* the structure for the memory configuration for the rte.

* used by the rte_config structure. it is separated out, as for multi-process

* support, the memory details should be shared across instances

*/struct rte_mem_config __attribute__((__packed__));


* physical memory segment descriptor.

*/struct rte_memseg ;

#ifdef rte_librte_ivshmem

phys_addr_t ioremap_addr; /**< real physical address inside the vm */


size_t len; /**< length of the segment. memseg的包含的空間size*/

uint64_t hugepage_sz; /**< the pagesize of underlying memory 大頁記憶體的size 2m /1g? */

int32_t socket_id; /**< numa socket id. */

uint32_t nchannel; /**< number of channels. */

uint32_t nrank; /**< number of ranks. */

#ifdef rte_librte_xen_dom0

/**< store segment mfns */

uint64_t mfn[dom0_num_memblock];


} __rte_packed;


* a structure describing a memzone, which is a contiguous portion of

* physical memory identified by a name.

*/struct rte_memzone ;

#ifdef rte_librte_ivshmem

phys_addr_t ioremap_addr; /**< real physical address inside the vm */


size_t len; /**< length of the memzone. */

uint64_t hugepage_sz; /**< the page size of underlying memory */

int32_t socket_id; /**< numa socket id. */

uint32_t flags; /**< characteristics of this memzone. */

uint32_t memseg_id; /**< memseg it belongs. */

} __attribute__((__packed__));

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