PL SQL 測試函式時,日期引數的輸入格式

2021-08-15 05:36:45 字數 1668 閱讀 9837


如果使用select function_name(xx,xx) from dual; 測試函式時,日期引數需要使用to_date('***x-xx-xx','yyyy-mm-dd') 或者date'***x-xx-xx' 進行型別轉換。



create table ccb_gyb (

accounting_date date,

rmb_ytd_balance number,

cny_ytd_balance number,

usd_ytd_balance number

);create unique index ccb_gyb_inx on ccb_gyb (accounting_date);

insert into ccb_gyb values (date'2017-12-01',12,17,4);



create or replace function getcurrbal(v_qrp_rq date, --報表日期

v_qrp_code varchar2 --幣種

) return number is

v_amount number;

v_date date;


select accounting_date

into v_date

from ccb_gyb

where accounting_date = v_qrp_rq;

if v_qrp_code = 'rmb' then

select rmb_ytd_balance

into v_amount

from ccb_gyb

where v_qrp_code = 'rmb'

and accounting_date = v_date;

end if;

if v_qrp_code = 'cny' then

select cny_ytd_balance

into v_amount

from ccb_gyb

where v_qrp_code = 'cny'

and accounting_date = v_date;

end if;

if v_qrp_code = 'usd' then

select usd_ytd_balance

into v_amount

from ccb_gyb

where v_qrp_code = 'usd'

and accounting_date = v_date;

end if;

return v_amount;




select getcurrbal(date'2017-12-1','rmb') from dual;


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