Google Exoplayer 之全面認識

2021-08-16 19:12:19 字數 4307 閱讀 8877


demo - 演示類庫的使用

支援高階 hls (http live streaming)功能,如正確處理 #ext-x-discontinuity的標籤。





支援在android 4.3(api級別18)和更高的widevine通用加密。

2library overview

建立乙個 ******exoplayer 例項

compile ''
// 1. create a default trackselector

handler mainhandler = new handler();

bandwidthmeter bandwidthmeter = new defaultbandwidthmeter();

trackselection.factory videotrackselectionfactory =

new adaptivevideotrackselection.factory(bandwidthmeter);

trackselector trackselector =

new defaulttrackselector(mainhandler,


// 2. create a default loadcontrol

loadcontrol loadcontrol = new defaultloadcontrol();

// 3. create the player

******exoplayer player =


trackselector, loadcontrol);

5attaching the player to a view

// measures bandwidth during playback. can be null if not required.

defaultbandwidthmeter bandwidthmeter = new defaultbandwidthmeter();

// produces datasource instances through which media data is loaded.

datasource.factory datasourcefactory = new defaultdatasourcefactory(

// produces extractor instances for parsing the media data.

extractorsfactory extractorsfactory = new defaultextractorsfactory();

// this is the mediasource representing the media to be played.

mediasource videosource = new extractormediasource(mp4videouri,

datasourcefactory, extractorsfactory, null, null);

// prepare the player with the source.


mediasource videosource = new extractormediasource(videouri, ...);

mediasource subtitlesource =

new singlesamplemediasource(subtitleuri, ...);

// plays the video with the sideloaded subtitle.

mergingmediasource mergedsource =

new mergingmediasource(videosource, subtitlesource);

mediasource source = new extractormediasource(videouri, ...);

// loops the video indefinitely.

loopingmediasource loopingsource = new loopingmediasource(source);

mediasource firstsource = 

new extractormediasource(firstvideouri, ...);

mediasource secondsource =

new extractormediasource(secondvideouri, ...);

// plays the first video, then the second video.

concatenatingmediasource concatenatedsource =

new concatenatingmediasource(firstsource, secondsource);

mediasource firstsource = 

new extractormediasource(firstvideouri, ...);

mediasource secondsource =

new extractormediasource(secondvideouri, ...);

// plays the first video twice.

loopingmediasource firstsourcetwice =

new loopingmediasource(firstsource, 2);

// plays the first video twice, then the second video.

concatenatingmediasource concatenatedsource =

new concatenatingmediasource(firstsourcetwice, secondsource);

// loops the sequence indefinitely.

loopingmediasource compositesource =

new loopingmediasource(concatenatedsource);

mediasource firstsource = 

new extractormediasource(firstvideouri, ...);

mediasource secondsource =

new extractormediasource(secondvideouri, ...);

// plays the first video twice, then the second video.

concatenatingmediasource concatenatedsource =

new concatenatingmediasource(

firstsource, firstsource, secondsource);

// loops the sequence indefinitely.

loopingmediasource compositesource =

new loopingmediasource(concatenatedsource);

如果自定義元件需要向應用程式發布事件,我們建議您一定要使用現有的 exoplayer 元件模型,在構造元件的時候同時傳遞***和 handler

我們建議的自定義元件使用現有 exoplayer 元件相同的模型,允許在playback 的過程中重新配置。要做到這一點,就需要實現exoplayercomponent 介面,並在 handlemessage 方法中處理接收到的配置改變資訊。您的應用程式應該呼叫 exoplayer 的 sendmessages和blockingsendmessages 方法來傳遞改變的配置資訊。

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