LeetCode 刷提記錄 SQL

2021-08-19 21:29:18 字數 2750 閱讀 3890

177. nth highest salary

create function getnthhighestsalary(n int) returns int


declare m int; #宣告區域性變數

set m = n-1; #賦值,因為limit 後面的引數不能是乙個表示式

return (

# write your mysql query statement below.

select distinct salary

from employee

order by salary desc

limit m,1




. rank scores

# write your mysql query statement below

select c.score as score, r as rank

from scores c join (select a.score as score, @i:=@i+1 as r

from (select distinct score from scores) as a,(select @i:=0) as b

order by a.score desc) as t

on c.score = t.score

order by c.score desc;

思路是先把去重後的成績排序生成新錶t,然後將原始表c 和新錶t 根據對應成績聯接,則相同的成績就會有相同的排序

注意生成排序的方法是定義了乙個自增的變數,然後用select 賦值為0(select 賦值時要用 :=)


# write your mysql query statement below

select a.score as score, count(distinct b.score) as rank

from scores a,scores b

where a.score<=b.score

group by a.id,a.score

order by a.score desc




. consecutive numbers

select c.num as consecutivenums

from logs a join logs b on b.id = (a.id+1) and b.num = a.num

join logs c on c.id = (b.id+1) and c.num = b.num

group by c.num



. department highest salary

select d.name as department, e.name as employee, e.salary as salary

from employee e join department d on e.departmentid = d.id

where e.salary in (select max(a.salary)

from employee a

where a.departmentid = e.departmentid



d.name,e.name,max(salary).......group by d.name,因為group by 只返回分組後的一條資料,如果這樣做,會預設取查詢到的第乙個e.name,而不是max(salary) 對應的 e.name

185. department top three salaries

# write your mysql query statement below

select d.name as department, e.name as employee, e.salary as salary

from employee e join department d on e.departmentid = d.id

where e.salary >=coalesce ((select distinct a.salary

from employee a

where e.departmentid = a.departmentid

order by a.salary desc

limit 2,1),0) # mysql中 in 和 limit 不能連用

order by d.id,e.salary desc


注意mysql中,limit和in 不能連用,但是和比較運算子可以一塊用,此外在一些問題中還可以用建個臨時表的方法來解決limit和in不能連用的問題


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