oracle Oracle匯出表結構至Excel

2021-08-20 09:40:36 字數 1440 閱讀 6997

user_col_comments –表名、列名、說明 

user_tab_comments –表名、型別、說明 

user_objects – 字典表檢視 


--t3.comments as


t1.column_name as


t1.data_type || '(' || t1.data_length || ')'


t1.nullable as


t2.comments as


t1.data_default "預設值"

--t4.created as


from cols t1


join user_col_comments t2

on t1.table_name = t2.table_name

and t1.column_name = t2.column_name


join user_tab_comments t3

on t1.table_name = t3.table_name


join user_objects t4

on t1.table_name = t4.object_name


notexists (select t4.object_name

from user_objects t4

where t4.object_type = 'table'

and t4.temporary = 'y'

and t4.object_name = t1.table_name)


by t1.table_name, t1.column_id;

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