工具庫 JS常用型別檢測

2021-08-20 12:22:53 字數 2552 閱讀 5187


|– root (專案根目錄)

—| is.js (型別檢測庫)

—| other.js (業務**)



* check if args is a document element

* @param elem

* @returns

*/exports.isdocument = function


/** * check if args is a html node

* @param elem

* @returns

*/exports.isnode = function


/** * check if args is a list of html node

* @param elist

*/exports.isnodelist = function

(elist = {})

/** * check if args is a string

* @param val

*/exports.isstring = function

(val = '')

/** * check if args is a function

* @param val

*/exports.isfn = function



import  from './is.js'

let list = document.getelementsbytagname('div')

isdocument(document) // 判斷dom物件 true

isnode(list[0]) // 判斷node節點 true

isnodelist(list) // 判斷node集合 true

isstring("new string('123')") // eslint-disable-line true

isfn(window.alert) // 判斷函式型別 true

let a = isdocument(document)

console.log('a', a) // true


import delegate from 'delegate'

import from './istype'

/** * eventlistener delegate

* @export

* @param target

* @param type

* @param callback

* @returns

*/export function


(target, type, callback)

if (!isstring(type))

if (!isfn(callback))

// there are three situations of target

if (isstring(target)) else

if (isnode(target)) else

if (isnodelist(target)) else


* typeof target is string

* @param target

* @param type

* @param callback

* @return

*/const listenselector = function

(target, type, callback)

/** * typeof target is node

* @param node

* @param type

* @param callback

* @return

*/const listennode = function

(node = {}, type = '', callback)

}}/** * typeof target is nodelist

* @param nodelist

* @param type

* @param callback

*/const listennodelist = function

(nodelist = , type = '', callback) )

return )}}}

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js 型別檢測

1 檢測字串 數值 布林值 undefined function 使用typeof 在safari和chrome中檢測正則也會返回 function 2 檢測null 應用 3 檢測其它物件 方法一 利用instanceof constructor 再某些ie版本中存在跨iframe問題,每個ifr...


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JS 型別檢測

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