他山之石 使用VBA字典 Part1

2021-08-20 22:41:19 字數 2137 閱讀 5562


'1 什麼是vba字典?


'第一列叫key , 不允許有重複的元素。


'key item

'a 10

'b 20

'c 30

'z 10

'2 即然有陣列,為什麼還要學字典?


'1) a列只能裝入非重複的元素,利用這個特點可以很方便的提取不重複的值

'2) 每乙個key對應乙個唯一的item,只要指點key的值,就可以馬上返回其對應的item,利用字典可以實現快速的查詢

'3 字典有什麼侷限?



'4 字典在**?如何建立字典?



'set d = createobject("scripting.dictionary")



'1 裝入資料

sub t1()

dim d as new dictionary

dim x as integer

for x = 2 to 4

d.add cells(x, 1).value, cells(x, 2).value

next x

msgbox d.keys(0)

msgbox d.keys(1)

msgbox d.keys(2)

msgbox d.items(0)


end sub

'2 讀取資料

sub t2()

' dim d

dim d as new dictionary

dim arr

dim x as integer

' set d = createobject("scripting.dictionary")

for x = 2 to 4

d.add cells(x, 1).value, cells(x, 2).value

next x

msgbox d("李四")

msgbox d.keys(2)

arr = d.items

end sub

'3 修改資料

sub t3()

dim d as new dictionary

dim x as integer

for x = 2 to 4

d.add cells(x, 1).value, cells(x, 2).value

next x

d("李四") = 78

msgbox d("李四")

d("趙六") = 100

msgbox d("趙六")

end sub

'4 刪除資料

sub t4()

dim d as new dictionary

dim x as integer

for x = 2 to 4

d(cells(x, 1).value) = cells(x, 2).value

next x

d.remove "李四"

' msgbox d.exists("李四")


msgbox d.count

end sub


sub t5()

dim d as new dictionary

dim x

for x = 1 to 5

d(cells(x, 1).value) = ""

next x


end sub

他山之石 使用VBA字典 Part2

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