Spring入門(六)基於 AOP 的 XML架構

2021-08-22 06:02:33 字數 1682 閱讀 2200



expression="execution(* com.tutorialspoint.*.*(..))"/>
該切入點可以執行 com.tutorialspoint報下的所有類的任意含參方法。



aop:after-returing這行是在乙個方法返回之後不考慮報錯等情況執行的方法,return "retval",retval必須與該方法的引數名相同,因為該方法會攔截他

aop:aftere-throwing這行是在乙個方法報錯之後執行的方法throw "ex" ex 必須與該方法的引數名相同,因為該方法會攔截他


expression="execution(* com.tutorialspoint.student.getname(..))"/>


並且after after-returning方法執行的順序和xml檔案配置的順序有關。

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class logging


* this is the method which i would like to execute

* after a selected method execution.

*/public void afteradvice()


* this is the method which i would like to execute

* when any method returns.

*/public void afterreturningadvice(object retval)

/*** this is the method which i would like to execute

* if there is an exception raised.

*/public void afterthrowingadvice(illegalargumentexception ex)


package com.tutorialspoint;

public class student

public integer getage()

public void setname(string name)

public string getname() }

public void printthrowexception()


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

package com.tutorialspoint;

public static void main(string args)


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