查詢沒有主鍵的表 沒有索引的表

2021-08-23 11:39:17 字數 1382 閱讀 2200

-- 1、查詢沒有主鍵的表、沒有索引的表

select so.name as '沒有主鍵的表'

from sysobjects so

where so.xtype = 'u'

and objectproperty(so.id , 'tablehasprimarykey' ) = 0

order by name

select so.name as '沒有索引的表'

from sysobjects so

where so.xtype = 'u'

and objectproperty(so.id , 'tablehasindex' ) = 0

order by name


select d.* , b.[name] as '資料型別' from ( select distinct a.xusertype from syscolumns as a where a.id in

(select id from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0 ) )as d left join systypes as b

on d.xusertype=b.xusertype

--3、看使用nvarchar型別的使用者表名和欄位名稱 xusertype 具體數值看當前資料庫中系統表systypes中的記錄

select sc.name as '欄位名稱' , so.name as '表名' from syscolumns sc inner join

sysobjects so on sc.id=so.id where sc.id in

( select id from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0 )

and sc.xusertype=231 order by so.name ,sc.colid


select so1.name as '外來鍵表', so2.name as '引用表', sc1.name as '外來鍵字段',

sc2.name as '引用字段'

from sysforeignkeys sf inner join

sysobjects so1 on sf.fkeyid = so1.id inner join

sysobjects so2 on sf.rkeyid = so2.id inner join

syscolumns sc1 on sf.fkeyid = sc1.id and sf.fkey = sc1.colid inner join

syscolumns sc2 on sf.rkeyid = sc2.id and sf.rkey = sc2.colid


以下指令碼可以用於列出資料庫中沒有主鍵的表,已排除了系統schema select owner,table name from dba tables where 1 1 and owner not in sys system sysman exfsys wmsys olapsys outln dbs...

Sql Server 刪除表中沒有主鍵的重複資料

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EF插入遇到的問題 表沒有主鍵時

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