刪除所有的binlog後mysql 啟動不了

2021-08-24 20:33:25 字數 608 閱讀 7246

刪除所有的binlog後mysql 啟動不了,檢視錯誤日誌,原來是找不到日誌檔案了,

2018-08-17t06:58:33.935452z 0 [note] plugin 'federated' is disabled.

mysqld: file './mysql-bin.000474' not found (errcode: 2 - no such file or directory)

2018-08-17t06:58:33.937608z 0 [error] failed to open log (file './mysql-bin.000474', errno 2)

2018-08-17t06:58:33.937619z 0 [error] could not open log file

2018-08-17t06:58:33.937627z 0 [error] can't init tc log

2018-08-17t06:58:33.937633z 0 [error] aborting

不考慮丟資料的情況,可以使用下面的方法啟動資料庫:將mysql-bin.index 內容清空,



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