C Linux下的itoa函式

2021-08-24 23:50:11 字數 1103 閱讀 7617


//return the length of result string. support only 10 radix for easy use and better performance

int my_itoa(int val, char* buf)

const int radix = 10;

char* p;

int a; //every digit

int len;

char* b; //start of the digit char

char temp;

p = buf;

if (val < 0)

b = p;

do while (val > 0);

len = (int)(p - buf);

*p-- = 0;


do while (b < p);

return len;



(因為不需要在迴圈體內判斷if (a > 9)了,所以更快)。

2010/1/8 改進版:

//return the length of result string. support only 10 radix for easy use and better performance

int my_itoa(int val, char* buf)

u = (unsigned int)val;

b = p;

do while (u > 0);

len = (int)(p - buf);

*p-- = 0;


do while (b < p);

return len;



C Linux下的itoa函式

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