
2021-08-25 02:59:59 字數 2116 閱讀 3578



# createduizhangtext.pl

use strict;

use warnings;

use dbi;

#use text::csv_xs;

my $server='localhost';

my $username='dsywfs';

my $password='*******';

my $dbname='dsywfs';

my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:host=$server;database=$dbname";

my %conn_attrs = (printerror => 0, raiseerror => 1, autocommit => 1);

my $yhbm='440900015';

#@ _connect_

my $dbh = dbi->connect ($dsn, $username, $password, \%conn_attrs)

or die "connection error: "

. "$dbi::errstr ($dbi::err/$dbi::state)\n";

#@ _connect_

my ($year,$mon,$day)=(localtime)[5,4,3];



#$day-=1; //by laihanfen

my $jfdate=sprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u",$year,$mon,$day);

my $dzdate=sprintf("%04u%02u%02u",$year,$mon,$day);

my $filename = '/tmp/yhsc/yhsk' . $yhbm . $dzdate . '01.txt';

#$jfdate = '2010-01-05';

#@ _count_zbs_

my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("select count(*) as `zbs` from `skmx` where `jfdate` like '$jfdate%' and `dzlog`='0' and `czlog`='0'");

$sth->execute ();

my $zbs = $sth->fetchrow_array ();

#my $zbs = $bs[0];

$sth->finish ();

#@ _count_zbs_

#@ _count_fkje_

$sth = $dbh->prepare ("select sum(`fkje`) as `fkje` from `skmx` where `jfdate` like '$jfdate%' and `dzlog`='0' and `czlog`='0'");

$sth->execute ();

my $fkje = $sth->fetchrow_array ();

#my $fkje = $je[0];

$sth->finish ();

#@ _count_fkje_

#@ _count_jsje_

$sth = $dbh->prepare ("select sum(`jsje`) as `jsje` from `skmx` where `jfdate` like '$jfdate%' and `dzlog`='0' and `czlog`='0' and `jsje`>0");

$sth->execute ();

my $jsje = $sth->fetchrow_array ();

#my $jsje = $js[0];

$sth->finish ();

#@ _count_jsje_


// 摘自《mysql cookbook中文版》(第二版)115頁

while (my @var = $sth->fetchrow_array())




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